Medical Condition Form


This form is a collection of data to keep you safe while performing exercises and in case of emergency. All contents will be kept confidential between Diane Simmons, fitness instructors on a need to know basis, front desk staff and other medical professionals if a medical crisis arises.



Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?

YES     NO




In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?

YES     NO



Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?

YES     NO



Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?

YES     NO





Have you ever had any surgeries? (If yes, please explain and provide date of surgery.)


YES     NO             Explain:





Have you ever had any pain or injuries (ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder, etc.)?

YES     NO             Explain:





Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart condition?

YES     NO             Explain:


(Complete the back page)


Are you currently taking any medication? (If yes, please list.)

YES     NO             Explain:






Has a medical doctor ever diagnosed you with a chronic disease, such as coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol or diabetes? (If yes, please explain.)

YES     NO             Explain:




Do you have any other medical conditions or reasons that may affect your ability to perform exercises in this camp?

YES     NO             Explain:




If you answered yes to any question, has your doctor cleared you to exercise? Do you know of any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?

YES     NO             Explain:





Printed Name ______________________________________________________________



Signature __________________________________________________________________



Date ______________________________________________________________________



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